Thursday, January 17, 2008

Food and Workout Journal for January 17, 2008

6:20 a.m.: 2/3 c. Organic cinnamon granola cereal with 1/2 c. 2% milk, small glass juice, 1/2 banana
9:45 a.m.: 4 donut holes (Entenmann's)

12:00 p.m.: 3 pieces (on the large side) of pepperoni pizza from Rascal House; Diet Coke (definitely did not need the third piece, but it was so good!)

6:00 p.m. Ham, cheese, and mustard on wheat bun, 8 honey-wheat pretzels, 2 Nature's Way mint Oreo-style cookies, water

WORKOUT: Slim in 6 Ramp It Up! (didn't do the yoga stuff at the end)

Not the best day diet-wise, but I was aware of everything I was eating (and enjoyed it!). I was not even going to eat dinner after that lunch, but I really was pretty hungry when I got home.


Childfreeeee said...

I hate when that happens - you eat a BIG lunch and think it will hold you over until bedtime but NOPE. You're hungry again at dinner. I have been known to eat 3 pieces of pizza at times. Pizza is my favorite!

CFVixen said...

Me too...I LOVE pizza! I usually do try to limit it to two, but sometimes you get such an awesome pizza and you can't stop!