Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why DO you have kids? It's just what you do!

I get asked the following questions on an all-too-frequent basis:

1. Do you have kids? (My answer: No, we don't have any.)
2. Why don't you have kids? (My answer: Neither of us want them.)
3. Well, WHY NOT?!?!??!

This last question may deserve a long discussion (and I'm peppering my blog with the many reasons that I am glad to be childfree). Yet sometimes it's better to answer a question with another question:


To date, anytime I asked this question, I never understood the responses. I guess they just never made sense to me. Here are some of the responses I've heard (none of which seemed a very good reason to take on a 20+ year commitment which translates into a life sentence in my opinion):
  • I didn't want to be lonely. (Well, get some friends.)
  • I heard my biological clock ticking. (Really? Is that a real reason? Eventually, if you don't keep winding them, clocks stop ticking.)
  • Babies are such a blessing! They are so cute! ( do know that they don't stay babies, right?)
  • I needed to carry on the family name! (Dude, your last name is "Jones." I think your lineage is safe.)
  • It's just what you do!
Ah. That last "reason" deserves a little extra attention. It's just what you do! Is it? Who has made this rule? Society? Do you need to do only what is expected by society? Are you a sheeple? This is the "reason" that always gets stuck in my craw. I guess I don't see the necessity of following convention when this form of convention causes a lack of freedom, financial distress, and overall misery.

I can give you some very good reasons why I am childfree. None of which include "It's just what you do!"

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

I know - the "it's just what you do" line always gets me too. Do you not have a brain of your own? Can you not think for yourself? If having sex with razor blades was "just what you do", would you do that as well? People really are sheep and it's so distressing to me how few people really think for themselves. As for the other reasons they give - well, let's just say I haven't yet heard one compelling reason to have kids.