But seriously, if you do happen to be on the fence and need a gentle push towards the childfree direction, all you need to do is take a look at the True Mom Confessions website. This is a site where mothers can make their anonymous confessions about what motherhood is really like. In fact the tagline they use is: “Motherhood is Hard. Admit It.”
Is there anyone out there who doesn’t know motherhood is hard? After browsing the site, I’m thinking there must be a huge population of those kinds of people. Did they never babysit? Did they not have younger siblings or nieces/nephews, younger cousins, etc.? Did they truly think it would all be Kodak moments?
Anyhow, an interesting feature of the site is they have a “me too” option where others can show that they felt this way too, or that they agree.
Here’s a small sampling of some True Mom Confessions. Then you can decide if “it’s all worth it!”
01.22.08 4:44a
Why did I choose this life again?????
me too
01.22.08 1:48a
it has been over three years since I have been able to have even a single block of uninterrupted time for things I enjoy. My eldest is twenty eight months. I feel like a zombie. Just a few hours. Thats all I ask. Even just one night of worthwhile uninterrupted sleep. Or an hour of carefree me time. Why is she crying when I'm the one whos life sucks? Gotta go.
me too
Wow, a little anger here:
What I say when hanging out with my teenagers-I guess I am going to finish reading my self help book and then go to bed. I love you guys........ What I feel when hanging out with my teenages-STFU! I wish you could go 30 minutes without compaining about something you don't have. I have busted my tail to get you the little extra things I never had at your age and I don't nag you too much about your sucky grades. You are an ungrateful little &^*# with a bad attitude and you have no idea how much life you have sucked out of me and your father. It doesn't bother us too much that you seem to hate us because when you are finally out of the house we plan on starting a new life and it does not include you so don't even think you can just come back home. I love you but I don't like you at all. Now I am going to bed because your constant whining gets on my freakin nerves
me too
01.21.08 7:19p
I want to be able to take a dump without an audience, eat my breakfast while it's still hot and when it's still considered "time" for breakfast, have an orgasm with DH -- not always with my vibrator and to read my book in peace.
me too
01.21.08 7:08p
I love my daughters. My 4 month old is the sweetest, smiley faced little person ever. My two year old is bright, beautiful and a joy. When the two year old is stuck on broken record (i.e. Mommy, what are you doing? Mommy, what are you doing? Mommy, what are you doing? Mommy, what are you doing? ) and the 4 month old has a case of the don't-put-me-downs, followed by a crying jag that renders her red-faced and hoarse, I just want to scream at them SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE.
What's wrong with me?
me too
01.21.08 6:35p
Dear Universe,
Please give me the strength to cope with my kids. I feel like I'm beating my head against the wall every single day. I say things out of anger and frustration that I'm sure will cause considerable damage to their development. But what about my own development? I'm stunted. Stuck. I swear, I'm trying to do my absolute best. It just doesn't ever seem good enough. Ever.
me too
01.21.08 6:02p
I love my children, I really do. But sometimes I find myself thinking how much easier things would be if I hadn't had them and then when I think that I feel guiltier than hell because of how many women want to be mothers and can't. I really do love my kids, I think I just need a break!
me too
01.21.08 3:23p
This is not what I thought it would be.
me too
01.07.08 8:41p
I envy the childfree. I wish I were one of them.
me too
12.17.07 7:25a
Why didn't I just go with my gut instinct and not have kids? I really, really, really love them, but if I hadn't had them in the first place, I would be so much happier. I would have time, freedom, and money. I would actually have a LIFE. I had told my husband I wanted to be childfree, but he didn't believe me. Now I'm STUCK! I'm bored, tired, depressed, and jealous of those not in the smae mess I'm in.
me too
1 comment:
I enjoyed reading those. My favorite? "I want to be able to take a dump without an audience, eat my breakfast while it's still hot and when it's still considered "time" for breakfast, have an orgasm with DH -- not always with my vibrator and to read my book in peace." Funny but sad at the same time.
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