Friday, January 18, 2008

Food and Workout Journal for January 18, 2008

7:50 a.m.: 1/2 of a very dry, styrofoam-tasting bagel w/tiny bit tasteless cream cheese from Cleveland Cafe. I'm DONE going there. That was just shameful. I also had a tiny bit of apple juice.

12:00 p.m.: Lunch at Scorchers with Susan: Grilled chicken pita with peppers, onions, and mozzarella cheese; French fries (ummm....the whole serving), diet coke

7:30 p.m.: 1/2 ham, cheese, and mustard sandwich on wheat bun, 4 honey-wheat pretzels, 1 mint "Oreo," 1/2 banana

WORKOUT: The FIRM BBS Maximum Cardio Burn Plus Abs with Allie Del Rio - had a nice, sweaty workout tonight, but I was pretty worn out afterwards. I did a lot of the beginner modifications (i.e., used the 6" step instead of the 8", didn't participate in the hop-fest, and of course I used my 12" tall box instead of the 14" fanny lifter. I'm not about to kill myself.). Also, I really started pooping out on a little bit of the standing leg work and more so on the ab work. I don't remember that being so hard. Still, I gave a good, solid effort during 90% of it.

Oh well, my husband and I are going out-of-town tomorrow to visit our families, so I'll have a day off of exercise Saturday (which I think I might need). I'll get back to working out on Sunday (even though that is my usual day off).