Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Food and Workout Journal for January 16, 2008

6:30 a.m.: 2/3 c. Organic cinnamon and raisin granola cereal with 1/2 c. 2% milk, small glass juice, 1/2 banana

12:00 p.m.: Ham, cheese, and mustard on wheat bun, 8 honey-wheat pretzel sticks, 2 Nature's Way "Oreo"-style cookies, Diet Coke

3:30 p.m.: 2 Hershey caramel kisses, 1 Milkyway "Mini" candy

5:30 p.m.: 1 mozzarella cheese stick, 1 breaded (baked) chicken tender, medium serving baked organic French "fries," small serving mixed vegetables

6:00 p.m.: WORKOUT - Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds Express 2 Mile Brisk Walk - DH and I went to a Republican Straw Poll tonight, so I had very little time to do a workout. I did manage to do a WATP workout, and it actually was pretty nice for some more variety.