Monday, June 2, 2008

Does Everybody Know I'm Pregnant?!?!?

Lord, help me. I've often written about my co-worker, "Cathy" who is pregnant. This woman bugs me like no other. She needs to make sure that everybody knows she is pregnant. Of course (as mentioned before), she's not of a delicate size, so it's kind of hard to tell if she's pregnant or if she just upped her already enormous junk food intake.

I rarely sit in the company's lunch room simply for the fact that she is in there, and she makes comments on absolutely everything other people eat. That's so damn irritating. "Oh,'re eating Oreos today. Double Stuff?" "Oh, Maria, Nutter Butters AGAIN?" "Emily, you always are eating tofu!" Jill, do you ever eat anything besides chicken salads?" All the while she herself is stuffing her pregnant body with junk. "Oh, but I'm eating for two!"

But that's all besides the point. Today we are sitting there, and there is another pregnant young woman beside me. Somebody at the table talking about moving boxes, and Cathy came right out with, "well Amy and I can't move boxes in our condition!" Um, nobody was asking her to do anything. They were talking about something they were doing themselves. It was just one more, "HEY EVERYBODY....I HAD SEX AND IT TOOK....PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE!" type of comment.

I never understood women who were so proud of their pregnancies. So, you had sex. So what? Are you pleased that somebody found you attractive enough to do the hokey pokey? That's really not such a big deal. In fact, some men pay for it. Why should the world be excited over your conception? As I see it, you basically failed Birth Control 101. Read the packages better, idiot.


Stepher said...

My mother always told me it was rude to comment on what other people are eating as they are eating it. Cathy sounds like a pillar of class and high morals...

I love the "failed at birth control" line. Entitlement Moos is a term I've often heard used for women such as Cathy.

Don't you wish you could just staple their mouths shut? Thankfully she'll be off for spawn leave but prepare for when she returns b/c it's been my experience that then EVERYTHIN will be about her and the baybeeeee...

CFVixen said...

You've got that right, Stepher. She actually already has a kid and mentions him every. chance. she. gets!!

Cathy is in a class of her own. I won't comment at what level that class is! LOL!