Friday, June 6, 2008

Food and Workout Journal for Friday, June 6, 2008

6:30 a.m. Little bit of Coco Wheats w/raw sugar to sweeten, 1 mini bagel w/organic peanut butter, small glass OJ

12:15 p.m. Cheesecake Factory w/DH to celebrate me passing PHR (and to kick off our vacation): couple tiny pieces of sourdough bread, 1/2 spicy crispy chicken sandwich w/chipotle mayo, 1/2 serving French fries, few bites of DH's burrito, and a whole piece chocolate tuxedo cheesecake (minus most of the whipped cream!)

3:00 p.m. 1 mini can (8 oz.) regular root beer

7:30 p.m. Other 1/2 chicken sandwich, fries, couple bites of DH's burrito, and a couple bites of his leftover cheesecake

WORKOUT: Leslie Sansone WATP Express Brisk Walk - 2 miles (30 min.)

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