Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Gratitude Journal #4

Here are five things today I'm thankful for:

1. Decent public transportation. Most of the time, it really is pretty decent, and it's safe, warm, and comfortable. I can read (or sleep) to my heart's content. It doesn't always happen (especially when I catch the late bus), but today was one of those days when it was good.

2. My office. I have one of the nicest offices in our corporate office. It isn't the largest, but it does have a great view and a functional layout.

3. Not having to go to class tonight. I'll be glad to go home.

4. Business is good. Stability in a job is always a good thing.

5. The smell of coffee brewing in the mornings. I don't drink coffee, but I certainly love the smell of it.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Another thing we have in common - the coffee thing. I LOVE the smell but don't drink it (don't like the taste). I like your gratitude posts. Nice.