Friday, March 14, 2008

Food Journal for March 14, 2008

6:30 a.m. 1 cup OHs! cereal with 1/2 cup 2% milk, small glass grape juice

12:15 p.m. Pickwick and Frolic with Michelle: 1 roll, 3 of Michelle's french fries, grilled chicken sandwich with cheese, bacon, sauteed onions, and BBQ sauce, homemade potato chips, diet coke

Girl's Night at Sandy's House: I ate a lot. I drank a lot. I didn't keep track. This is the first time since January 1st that I have no idea how to journal. I do know I had the following:
  • Crackers
  • Cheese
  • Nuts (cashews, almonds, pistachios)
  • Dried cranberries
  • Shrimp stir fry (I didn't think I'd like this, but it was really pretty good)
  • Homemade brownie with ice cream
  • 1 chocolate mint "stick" (I don't know what those things are called, but they begin with a "P". Tasty suckers.)
  • Diet Sprite
  • 2 glasses of Bailey's Irish Creme
Didn't workout today either. I knew I was going to take it off though..

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