Saturday, March 8, 2008


My area of the country is getting hammered today with a blizzard. It actually started yesterday. During the morning at work the snow was coming down pretty good, but I knew from listening to the news that we hadn't seen nothing yet. A co-worker and I went out to lunch, and just crossing the street was an adventure. I worked until about 2:30 and then decided I wasn't going to stay any longer. If I waited until rush hour, I'd be stuck in traffic for hours. As it was, it took DH and I a lot longer than usual to make it home. Our office ended up closing at 3:30, which is very atypical as it's our busy season for our core business.

I woke up at 10:00 this morning, and the snow was relentless. It's almost 4:00 now, and it hasn't stopped all day. It seems most things are closed. I called our favorite pizza place, and there was no answer. I wasn't surprised about that. Who would want to deliver pizza on a day like this? I noticed on the library website that every branch in the area is closed. Pretty much every class, meeting , and organization decided that it was just too bad outside to bother.

For me, I love it. I'm inside busy studying, reading, playing on the computer, exercising, and eating, and just watching it come down. Summer comes soon enough . . . I enjoy the cold, blizzard-y winter days. I may change my mind by the end of March though.

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