Saturday, April 19, 2008

I will NEVER be a Soccer Mom

So, today DH and I decided to take a walk and go out to eat. There's a bike path near by that leads to a main road that has some restaurants. It's a nice hour-long walk (round-trip). The path leads us through some woodsy areas (we always see herds of deer), past a school, a recreation center, and some soccer and baseball fields before we get to the restaurant.

As we are strolling along taking in the spring day, we see all of the kids out on the soccer field (most of them not old enough to even know what they are doing out there) and then notice all of the parents sitting on the uncomfortable-looking bleachers. Wow. What a way to spend a beautiful Saturday afternoon. They looked completely bored, defeated, and like they'd rather be anywhere else but sitting on these splinter-filled benches. There were a few adults that were trying to cheer their kids on....the soccer moms and dads who are desperately trying to live their childhoods once again through their protege. But the biggest majority looked like their eyes were glazed over and like their lives were being sucked out of them. Which, in a way, I don't think is so far from the truth.

DH and I didn't stop. We have absolutely no interest in juvenile soccer (or any sports, for that matter!). As we hurried away, I thought to myself, "Who would choose that life?!" DH, sensing my thoughts, grabbed my hand and said, "Thank God that will never be us!"

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

The worst thing is...that's the entire lives. Their life is their children and all the monotony and drugery that comes along with it. I feel the same way when I see soccer parents or people schlepping their kids through the grocery store. God bless them! I'm so glad it's not me.