Thursday, April 3, 2008

Food and Workout Journal for April 3, 2008

6:20 a.m. 5 Frosted Mini Wheats biscuits, 1 mini bagel w/whipped cream cheese, small glass juice

10:00 a.m. Small piece cinnamon crumb coffee cake

1:00 p.m. Gardenia w/Kathy: Chipolte Chicken Wrap (chicken, peppers, onions, cheese), few potato chips, diet coke

6:30 p.m. Grilled cheese sandwich (w/2 slices colby jack cheese), 1 large piece New York cheesecake, small glass (1/2 serving) vitamin water, 1 rootbeer suck candy

WORKOUT: Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds Express Advanced 3 Mile Walk. (45 minutes) I was really beat tonight for some reason, and this was a good alternative to skipping a workout. I never feel very worked-out after a Leslie workout (even though I'm adding arm movements and some propulsions), but it's a decent, light way to get a little exercise.

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