Sunday, April 13, 2008

Plans for the week

It's a rainy spring day, and I'm enjoying the day at home. DH has stepped out to take care of some car maintenance. It's quiet and the birds are chirping. I can't believe how green the grass is getting. Most of the trees have buds on them. I can't wait for the brush in the back to get leaves on them as the houses in the back will be completely obliterated from view then. It's supposed to be sunny and dry several days this week, which means DH and I will get some walks in during the evenings. I'm trying to get ahead on my studying today so that we can do that.

In addition, I'm going to REALLY try to get my main workout done in the mornings. UGH....I'm not good with this. I looove to sleep in as long as I can. In order to get an hour's workout in, I'll need to get up at 5:00 a.m. Still, I'd rather get up and get it over with so that I don't have to do it at night when I'd rather be outside.

The morning workout plan for the week is:

Monday: Squeeze
Tuesday : Slim Series Tone it Up
Wednesday: Squeeze
Thursday : Slim Series Mix it Up
Friday : Squeeze
Saturday: Slim Series Tear it Up
Sunday : Off

I have a study group Monday night, but the rest of the week is I hope to get a lot of walking in!

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