Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Food and Workout Journal for April 1, 2008

6:20 a.m. 1 cup OHs! cereal with 1/2 c. 2% milk, 1 mini bagel w/whipped cream cheese, small glass juice

10:30 a.m. Small piece Entenmann's Cheese Filled Crumb Coffee Cake, diet coke

12:30 p.m. Gardenia w/Kathy: Chicken fajita wrap (broiled chicken, rice, peppers, onions, cheese, salsa, sour cream), a few regular potato chips, diet coke

5:45 p.m. 1 cup OHs! cereal with 1/2 c. 2% milk, 1 mini bagel w/whipped cream cheese, water, 1 piece New York Cheesecake w/ little bit chocolate syrup

WORKOUT: Cathe Cardio + Weights on 4" step (Intensity Series)

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