Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Food and Workout Journal for February 6, 2008

6:40 a.m.: 1 mini bagel w/little bit of peanut butter, small glass OJ, 1/2 banana, 1/2 orange

12:00 p.m.: Ham, cheese, and mustard on wheat bun, approx. 15 thin organic pretzel sticks, 1 chocolate chip cookie, diet coke

4:00 p.m.: Handful of mini pretzels, diet coke

7:00 p.m.: 2 bites of DH's steak, grilled cheese sandwich (wheat bread, 2 think slices Colby cheese, butter and ketchup), 2 chocolate chip cookies, water

WORKOUT: The FIRM Parts Cardio Step Mix - 62 minutes. Used 4" step and 3 lb. hand weights. Could have definitely used a 6" step at least for the first 1/2 hour. I didn't start to sweat until Tamela's part came up, which is a around the 1/2 hour mark. For some reason, her part is the hardest. I haven't done most of the Firm workouts that were used in this workout for almost two years, yet because of how they are produced (music synchronized perfectly with the movement, etc., I didn't miss any of the all just came back naturally).


SassyFitnessBug said...

Wow - you're really progressing with the workouts. The older Firms are not easy. Good for you! Your diet was good today too.

CFVixen said...

Thanks, Sassy! :-)

I'm really noticing that the workouts are getting easier. It took me a little longer this time to get my stamina back, but it seems to be coming now.