Sunday, July 13, 2008

Food and Workout Journal for Thursday, July 10 - Sunday, July 13, 2008

Okay, I pretty much have completely fallen off the wagon for the last few days. I didn't track any of my food, and my workouts have been as follows:

Thursday, July 10th - Off
Friday, July 11th - Off except for a very short walk
Saturday, July 12th - 1 hour walk in Brecksville
Sunday, July 13th - long walk around neighborhood (past Calvin Park)

I'd like to say that I plan on getting right back on the saddle, but I know this week is going to be extremely tough. Tuesday is DH's birthday, Wednesday night I have a dinner to go to, and Friday night I have a baby shower (oh yea!). I know my workouts will be minimal, and my food intake will be maximal! Hopefully the week afterwards I'll start to get my act back together.

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