11:00 a.m. In meeting w/Judy: 5 tiny pretzel sticks, 5 Doritos chips, 10 cashews
2:00 p.m. 5 Rolos candies
5:45 p.m. 2 pieces Rascal House pepperoni pizza, small glass 2% milk w/Hershey syrup, 2 mint-chocolate covered Oreo cookies
9:15 p.m. Organic pudding made w/whole raw milk
Ummm....yeah, the diet wasn't too great today. It wasn't that I ate too much....it was that I ate crap. But I feel great!
WORKOUT: The Firm Complete Body Shaping w/Christa Riley (Body Sculpting System 3) - My God, I remember this workout being bad, but I forgot how bad. Let me re-phrase: I actually think this could be a decent workout, but there's some really disturbing things about it. First, Christa and Pam look like they came out of concentration camps. Truly. I can't even look at them. Second, Christa's cuing sucks. Third, you can barely hear her over the music. Fourth, they will start a move and not show the beginner modifications. Now, I'm over the beginner stage, but I still like to see what Libby (the modifier) is doing....especially for the high impact moves. I usually do modify those. Fifth, they get you started on a sequence, but it only lasts a little bit...there aren't nearly enough reps. Last, when they put their boxes to the side instead of straight-on, it's hard to figure out what leg they are on.
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