It's called SLEEPING IN! Or as the British call it, "a good LIE IN."
It's Saturday, and the weekends are wonderful for this. I'm not much of a morning person. I take that back. During the week, I like to get up early and get things done....get all of the work out of the way. But I try to get as much of my work done as possible before the weekend so that I can just do whatever I want then....which includes sleeping in.
I was awoken this morning at 9:45 a.m. not by screaming kids or cartoons blaring but by my DH (who IS a morning person) who came back into the bed to cuddle for a bit and tell me that breakfast is almost ready. Got to love that man.
I really don't understand how parents do it.....or why they want to do it. Getting up early on a Saturday morning to drive your offspring around to whatever practices or activities they are involved in, and then sitting through the mind-numbing practices or activities, and then driving them back seems, well, not so fun. I'd much rather be in my warm, soft bed, and leisurely get my day started.
1 comment:
I'm with 'ya! I am not so much a "sleeping-in" person as I a napping person. I've been off all week and almost every day I have taken a 1-2 hour nap. I don't know a single person with kids who can do that.
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