I don't know what is going on with me, but I have soooo much energy today. I had three meetings in one of our satellite offices, and they all were extremely positive. I came home and did a some more office work until 4:30, then I started cleaning the house.
I scrubbed toilets, washed bathroom rugs, mopped the master bathroom and scoured the sink, washed/changed the sheets, vacuumed the downstairs, cleaned furniture (cat hair central), weeded our landscaping beds, and got rid of our outside cobwebs. On top of that, I made a good supper for DH and me, balanced the checkbook, and had a great workout.
I did talk to my mom while I was making supper, and she said my dad has been doing really pretty well for the last couple of days, so that is a huge relief to me.
It's now 9:30, and I feel like I'll be able to sleep good tonight.
I know I have a rough day ahead of me, but that's okay. I have a meeting at lunch time to plan a termination (which will take place late tomorrow afternoon), and I also have a separate disciplinary meeting with another person regarding their (lack of) performance. Worst, I have to confront another person about the fact that they are having a less-than-platonic relationship with their supervisor (the supervisor has already been confronted and conveniently denies it). Then, the termination of the first person takes place. Ugh. But that's all in a day's work, I guess.
WORKOUT FOR TODAY: The FIRM Better Buns and Body (Tri-Trainer) - 45 min.