Today I did WHFN's FitPrime - Flex Posture with Tamela Hastie. I think I got a decent workout from it, but it will certainly never be one of my favorites. It has a lot of yoga in it, and yoga just isn't my thing right now. I did buy some beginner yoga workouts awhile ago because it's probably something I could get into if I took the time to learn about it. I just haven't done them yet! But overall, good workout (even though Tamela reminds me of Tonya Harding!).
I really like Flex Posture for some reason, but rarely do it. Have you seen Tamela in (I think) "Lean"? She is so obnoxious with her posing I can barely stand it.
Sassy, yes, I know exactly what you are talking about! She mugs for the camera constantly! I'm doing Lean tomorrow....I'll do my best to ignore her! Ha!
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