DH and I are invited to a New Year's Eve Party tonight. Since the time we received the invite, we couldn't figure out if we really wanted to go or not. It's in our neighborhood, so no driving is necessary. It's fairly casual, so I don't have to go out and buy something special to wear. Our only hesitancy was that we enjoy vegging out at home together so much and prefer it to going to parties. In the end, we decided that we will go at least go for awhile. We don't want to appear antisocial, and we really do like most of our neighbors.
What does this have to do with being childfree? The fact that we never once had to consider who was going to take care of the kids! It's something that never even enters our mind. Most people I work with or am acquainted with have to worry if they will be able to get a babysitter, and then, if the ARE successful at securing one, they are paying 3x the going rate just because it's New Year's. So typically New Year's parties are out of the question. As are a lot of other events.
We live about 150 miles from our families. There is no one around that we could "just drop the kids off with" (even though I'd never expect my parents or siblings to be babysitters anyway). That's one of the complications that we just did not want to have in our lives. We are free to go anywhere we want anytime we want and not give it a second thought. It always amuses me when I see a couple at a party or out to dinner and the cell phone is attached to (usually) the wife's ear while she tries to figure out if the kids are alright. Ugh! They can't even enjoy the themselves! No, thankyouverymuch. So, there is Reason #2 That I Love Being Childfree!
I hear 'ya, sister! The other thing I was thinking about on New Year's Eve...most people I know who have kids go to parties with other adults who have kids and all the kids are there. What fun is that? How can anyone really rock out on New Year's Eve when there are a bunch of children underfoot? No thanks!
Exactly! Thank goodness the only child that was there was only up for a tiny bit, and then they put her to bed. (She really was adorable, BTW.) The adults had a great time!
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