Friday, August 29, 2008

Workout journal for Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm excited that I'm starting to get back in my workout habit. With it getting darker earlier, I'm not so tempted to be outside. And since it's a little cooler, my workout room isn't quite so stuffy.

Tonight I did Cathe's Low Max (Premix - Intervals 1 - 4) - 45 min. on 4" step. I could probably do a 6" step, but I still get a great workout on 4".


SassyFitnessBug said...

You've been doing great with your workouts! Good job on getting back into them regularly again.

I've noticed you're not blogging about your food. Are you just getting tired of writing down everything or are you hiding something from us? ;)

CFVixen said...

LOL, Sassy....yeah, the food thing is not good. I know I need to get back on it. :)