DH and I were in PA Saturday and Sunday visiting our families. We returned today (Memorial Day). Although I walked around a little, there was no real structured exercise. Food intake was pretty bad, but I'll get back on it tomorrow. I still journaled everything. On a positive note, my mom thinks I might have lost more weight. Also, MIL asked DH if I "lost a little bit of weight." She always knows how to put it into perspective! I need to have a post about MIL. Hell, I could dedicate an entire blog to her. If I was a drinker, I'd be drunk all of the time I have to deal with her.
Saturday, May 24th
7:30 a.m. Bowl of CoCo Wheats w/raw sugar to sweeten, mini bagel w/whipped cream cheese, small glass OJ
2:00 p.m. McDonald's w/Mom: Big Mac, French fries, Diet Coke, small chocolate milk shake (Yeah, yeah, yeah. It tasted good. Whatever.) 2 breath mints
7:00 p.m. Roadhouse w/DH and Bill & Judy: 1 roll w/cinnamon butter, salad w/ranch dressing, 2 chicken tenders, few French fries, glass of regular Pepsi
Sunday, May 25th
9:30 a.m. 1 Oatmeal-to-Go bar, glass OJ
11:00 a.m. Couple licks of brownie batter
2:45 p.m. 1/2 ham, cheese, lettuce, and mustard on wheat bread sandwich, 2 small York Peppermint Patties, 2 Oreo Cakesters
4:00 p.m. Spoonful of chocolate frosting
6:00 p.m. Cookout w/DH, Mom & Dad: BBQ chicken, macaroni salad, tiny bit of baked bean casserole, Doritos, 1 frosted brownie, 2 cans regular Root Beer
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