I'm not a binger. I do emotionally eat sometimes, but I don't binge. At least I don't think I do. I guess I consider binging to be stuffing yourself until you feel sick. I think I did that sometimes in my teens and early twenties, but I really don't do that anymore. The good thing is, I don't think I've done much emotional eating either since I started journaling. Today, however, was different.
I went to work expecting a stress-free day. All of the partners were at a meeting in Florida, and my assistant was out (she's a good kid, but she's needy and I'm glad when I can get a break from her chattering). I had a long meeting scheduled with one of our consultants, but it was just a planning meeting. I figured I'd be able to get everything done and out the door by 3:00 p.m.
Boy, was I wrong. It was just one thing after another today. I had three major (and completely separate) personnel issues by 10:00 a.m. Two of them were emotionally charged and very draining. A proposal that came in and had to go out the same day (and my assistant is out). An article that needed to go out. A slew of phone calls to return. Then, I talked with my mom and she said my dad isn't doing too great (no emergencies, but just enough to keep me worried). All of this was going on while our consultant (who obviously is paid by the hour) sits and waits for me to meet with her.
Anyhow, I did end up leaving around 3:30, but I was spent. DH and I went out to dinner, and then came home. I decided to do something I find completely therapeutic: bake chocolate chip cookies!!! And although most people wouldn't call this a binge, it was pretty close for me. I ate several "pinches" of cookie dough and three baked chocolate chip cookies (and two small glasses of 2% milk). Just enough to make me feel very full.
I'm not regretting it. In fact, I would do it over again. But whenever I wonder why I only lost a pound in a whole month, I'll have to remember nights like tonight!
OMG you are a SAINT to only eat a little dough and 3 cookies. You should see what MY chocolate chip emotional cookie binges are like. There really is something therapeutic about baking cookies, isn't there? Maybe it's because we were rewarded with them as kids for good behavior.
Ummm....It was probably more than a little cookie batter. Still, I could have eaten more!
I LOOOOOVE chocolate chip cookies. They are a complete food pyramid to me!
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