When I don't have my nose in a textbook studying for my HR certification exam, I try to squeeze in as much pleasure reading as possible. On Saturday, I finished T is for Trespass by Sue Grafton. I have read all of her books in order (I'm anal like that!), and I started Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich (again, I've read all of her Stephanie Plum books in order).
What's funny about book series like the Kinsey Millhone (Grafton) and the Stephanie Plum series....I really like all of the characters and the familiarity of the series, but I can never remember an actual story line! I used to be a huge Patricia Cornwell fan and loved the Kay Scarpetta books (until they got just plain bad) and a fan of James Patterson and his Alex Cross series (until I got bored with them as they were way to formulaic). However I found the same thing to be true: I can remember all of the characters, places, etc., but I cannot begin to remember a plot! It's still good pleasure reading.
Also, on Sunday I started When Ghosts Speak by Mary Ann Winkowski, which is really fascinating. I don't know if I buy it all, but I'm enjoying it. It certainly tempts me away from my textbooks regularly.
Oooh, this sounds like an interesting books. I love stuff about ghosts. Have you seen the show Ghost Hunters (on the SciFi channel)? It's one of the only shows I watch faithfully.
I am the same way (with not remembering plot details) with movies. I always remember whether I liked the movie or not, but can never remember the specific plot.
No, I never watched Ghost Hunters...I'll have to look for it. The author of this book acts as a consultant to CBS's "The Ghost Whisperer." I never watched that one either...heck, I rarely watch TV!
The author of this book claims she can see earthbound spirits as easily as she can see live humans. She's from the Cleveland area, but I had never heard of her before.
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