DH and I were in Pennsylvania for the weekend visiting family/friends. Therefore, there was next to no physical activity and some crappy eating....but we had a really nice time (for the most part!).
DH's dad is doing so well after his surgery...we're both really grateful for that. My dad is doing really pretty well, especially compared to the last time that we saw him (last month).
Here's the damage for Saturday:
7:15 a.m. Bowl of CoCo Wheats w/raw sugar, 1/2 English Muffin w/peanut butter, small glass juice
1:45 p.m. (this is where the trouble starts!) Long John Silver's w/Mom: 3 chicken planks, fries, 2 hush puppies, couple bites of cole slaw, diet root beer, hot fudge sundae w/whipped cream
7:30 p.m. The Pine's Restaurant w/Bill, Judy, and DH: Ham and cheese wedgie w/lettuce, onion, mayo (ate the whole thing!), onion rings (split the order w/DH), 1 and 1/4 glasses regular Pepsi
No exercise, but I needed a day off anyway.
Just wanted to check in and say hi. You're doing great with the journalling. Also wanted to say...glad your dad and DH's dad are doing well.
Thanks, Sassy!
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