No, we didn't take off on a spur-of-the moment trip to a sunny locale. We actually just had a very normal, quiet weekend. Yet, it contrasted significantly from our last weekend when we visited our families. Although we love to visit, we are often surrounded by kids (aka noise and confusion). Still, as "normal" as the weekend was, for some reason I was feeling so grateful and really joyful about it, that it made the weekend that much more special. In looking back through the activities of the weekend, it's obvious to me that having children would make this kind of weekend next to impossible. Here's a quick run-down:
Friday night - Came home and did a 78-minute workout and then folded laundry. While I was doing this, DH was being a real sweetheart and cleaned the house. After we were both done, we hopped in the whirlpool for a long soak. Then we made some popcorn and watched a movie in our loft. Then we settled in for a long, uninterrupted sleep.
Saturday - Slept in. I woke up to DH making breakfast (pancakes and eggs). After eating and cleaning this up, we went outside and laid on the deck for a few hours. Tinky the kitty laid right with us. She loves being outside, but she knows she has to stay right with us. I read a book and also listened to another book on tape. DH listened to his talk radio programs. After that we cleaned up and went out for a good lunch/dinner. We then took a drive to Hinckley Reservation which has a beautiful lake and tons of trails. We walked around the lake which takes just under one hour and then came home. After doing some stuff on our own (he likes to tinker in the garage and outside; I like to surf the internet, read, etc.), we took another soak in the whirlpool and then watched some TV before going to bed.
Sunday - another sleep in. DH is almost always up before me. This time, he made us CoCo Wheats (my favorite), and we got ready for a nice long walk in the Bedford Reservation. It was a gorgeous day, and we really enjoyed it. We came home and I did another workout while he surfed the internet and did some work in the garage. Then we lounged around on the deck (reading, listening to music, and listening to books on tape). We made some burgers, cleaned up the kitchen, and then went outside for some more deck time. DH then decided to go upstairs and take a nap in the spare bedroom while I read the Sunday paper, surfed the net, did some studying, and visited a neighbor. Then together we did some light yard work, cleaning up our beds and getting them ready for a new load of mulch. We then sat on the porch and chatted for awhile. After coming back in, tidying up the house, etc., we watched a movie together and went to bed.
All in all, a very quiet weekend. Maybe some would consider it boring. Yet we both enjoyed it immensely. The best part, for us, was that it was quiet. Even the neighborhood kids were relatively silent. Ahhhh.....BLISS!!!
Gotta love those CF weekends!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful, relaxing domestic weekend. Those are so great.
You and your husband sound like me and Brian! (although I am 40-something, and our cat went missing.) We are CF DINKS and love hanging out and relaxing on the weekends, when we're not traveling somewhere.
I am writing a book called Kidfree & Lovin' It, and have an online survey that over 1,600 CFs around the world have taken. I would love you and your husband to take it too! The results will be posted in my book. Here's the link to the Kidfree Survey:
Thanks, and Enjoy!
Thanks for posting! I'll definitely participate in your survey. I'll look at it this weekend.
Thanks CFVixen, enjoy taking the survey!
(And forward the link to any other CFs you know)
I hope you two have another great weekend ahead!
KidfreeKaye & Brian
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