Mary has five kids. Five. Under the age of seven. She has an important, extremely demanding position within the firm....and five kids. She came into the conference room to chat, and got to talking about her darlings. Now, you would think that because I'm a childfree woman, I'd have no interest in hearing about kids. And although it isn't my favorite subject, I still find it a little interesting. If only to compare the different lifestyles. She held us captive for at least a half hour. Listening to some of her trials and tribulations made chills of fear go up and down my spine. NOTHING about her personal life sounded like fun. Nothing.
After she left, the consultant I had been meeting with turns to me and says, "Five kids! How does she do it?" Unsaid, but on the tip of my tongue was, "A better question would be: WHY does she do it?"
Seriously. The woman has an MBA, certifications up the wazoo, a six-figure salary, and spit-up on her sweater. When she goes home at night from here extremely stressful job, she goes home to her extremely stressful home life. There is no rest for this woman....ever!
She called me at home one night. She was having trouble with one of her employees, and it was bugging her. I honestly don't mind getting calls at home on off-hours as long as it doesn't get out-of-control. Sometimes it's easier than discussing them at work. Anyway, she calls me around 8:00 p.m., when I'm laying on the couch listening to some classical music and reading a book. I pick up the phone and hear what sounds to be a zoo in the background. Our conversation might have lasted ten minutes.....and the entire time she was trying to get her kids to behave. It was horrible. I cannot imagine living like that. Really--WHY would you want to do this? I'm not sure we'll ever really know the answer.
1 comment:
Well, you and I will never understand it - that's for sure. I am totally with you, sister. What the appeal could possibly be to living such a chaotic and stressful life is way beyond me.
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